I’ve been reading through Leviticus for my personal devotional time. Not by choice. I’d prefer to spend my study time in Philippians or Romans but I’m currently working through a reading plan and it has Leviticus assigned for this month. Because I believe that all of Scripture is the inspired Word of God and that …
Author Archives: Angie Nitz
An Unprecedented Ash Wednesday
What a difference a week can make! As I write this, we are one week out from a historic storm and its aftermath. Our community continues to recover and rebuild and will be for some time. I’m truly grateful that our family was spared significant damage, but while I hope we never see that kind …
Serve Them Well
This weeks post is a post by Marge Simmons about her experience volunteering at last week’s community food distribution. This ministry will be offered once a month through at least April. To volunteer please contact the church’s office. “If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well.” Romans 12:7 I’d like to share …
(Not) Getting What I Deserve this Christmas
Tis the season for over-excitement and sugar, and consequently we have had some trouble recently getting our 8-year-old son to settle in for the night. We are throwing everything we have in our parenting playbook at the problem. Sticking to a routine – check. Limiting caffeine – check. Rewarding positive behavior – check. Resorting to …
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New or Renewed?
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training …
Healthy Fear
It occurred to me this week how much my dentist reminds me of God. Before you accuse me of blasphemy, give me a chance to explain! My dentist is certainly a good and Godly man and I respect him greatly, but I am not equating him directly to the creator of the universe or looking …
Confessions of a “Glass Half- Empty” Optimist
Are you a “glass half-full” kind of person or a “glass half-empty” kind of person”? While I generally endeavor to view life from an optimistic perspective, I confess that I am finding that more difficult these days. Lately, I tend to focus on the empty space in that proverbial glass and on what is missing …
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Farewell is not Goodbye
It seems odd to write my last blog for Holy Cross when it has become such a normal rhythm every month. For the past three years, each month I would think about my life and what God was showing me in it and then write it down to share with all of you. This month …
Just One More Thing
T minus 8 days. That is what we have left with our first born before she leaves home and travels more than 800 miles away to begin college. She is ready and I am excited for her. I am grateful for all the ways the Lord has worked in and through her over these past …
Facing Darkness
I was perusing social media the other day and came across a post that was simply a picture with text that struck me. Unfortunately, it didn’t strike as profound but as wrong. The text read, “This is America… we have a virus…but 99% of those who contract it will survive. We have some racists…but 99.95% …