This weeks post is a post by Marge Simmons about her experience volunteering at last week’s community food distribution. This ministry will be offered once a month through at least April. To volunteer please contact the church’s office.

“If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well.” Romans 12:7

I’d like to share the experience Dennis and I had helping with the distribution of food boxes on January 23. As we drove to church I really had no concept of what to expect. The thought did cross my mind that 200 boxes of food seemed like a lot, and were there really that many people that could use it?

We arrived at church about 9:45 and there were already vehicles lined up in the parking lot. Between that time and the time we started handing out the boxes, two lines of vehicles snaked around the entire parking lot. And that is the way the lines stayed until we finished. My question about the need for this kind of effort was definitely answered.

Because the food is donated, the employees that were there from American Prosperity Fund were busy getting information that is required by law from each vehicle. The number of families in a household determines how many boxes of food they get. Dennis worked on traffic control. That was a big job. Instead of just one person controlling the vehicle lines, two or three more people would be ideal. I helped with the distribution of boxes. The boxes were on trucks and needed to be handed out to the people that were taking the boxes to the vehicles. The boxes are heavy. They are loaded with fresh fruit and vegetables, baked goods like bread and rolls, and canned goods. A package of frozen burger patties was also added to each box.

We loaded anywhere from 1-4 boxes per vehicle. One thing I can say for certain is that we could have used more hands, well, and feet, too. And in some cases, more strong backs!

“God has given each of you some special abilities: be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings.” 1 Peter 4:10. Our next food distribution event is Saturday, February 6. If you have some time to spare that morning, even if you can’t stay for the whole time, I encourage you to consider volunteering. If you do, Dennis and I will see you there!

Marge Simmons

Holy Week Services at Holy Cross Lutheran Church