Are you looking for a Church in Dallas where you’ll find community and a sense of home? At Holy Cross Lutheran Church, our goal is to create a welcoming environment marked by hospitality and joy. Our church family is laid-back, inviting old and new friends to come together around the person and work of Jesus as we follow him. There is a place for you here too– wherever you are on your journey of faith. Welcome!
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Ministry for Everyone
Like Many Dallas churches, Holy Cross serves a diverse and multilingual community. We come from all walks of life and cultures. To help all our visitors fully embrace Christ’s teachings, we offer worship, Bible study, and service opportunities in different languages and settings (English, Spanish, Swahili, and Arabic) -all for the glory of God and the good of one another.
Embracing the Values of Christ
At Holy Cross, we focus on learning and living out the teachings of Jesus within the Lutheran tradition. We emphasize how the church, as one body of believers, is made up of individuals, uniquely gifted to walk together in faith, learning to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind as we learn to love one another and our neighbor. This is what we hope becomes a reality among us.
At Holy Cross, we also celebrate what God is doing in, through, and around us, continually working to make this known, encouraging one another in the uncertainties of life. In a topsy-turvy world, fraught with challenges, Christ’s faithfulness unites us and gives us hope.
We are committed to showing the love of Jesus to our neighbors, by serving our community in northwest Dallas, and as we are able, beyond our neighborhood. We support the calling and work of missionaries in north America as well as around the globe. At Holy Cross, we believe the Lord has also brought the world to us through those who call Dallas home. We are serving this community and supporting other, local ministries, by making available our Community Center to various organizations.
More About Our Mission, Vision & Core Attitudes
Following Christ through Stewardship
Holy Cross, having been here for over 60 years, has made service to the community an integral part of its mission. One way we do this, is to build partnerships with local organizations and ministries with whom we have common purposes. Whether opening our Community Center for summer camps or ESL or making available the gym to rec leagues, our goal is to provide space for like-minded ministries to meet a variety of needs throughout our community and to create an environment of collaboration for Kingdom growth. Additionally, we provide opportunities for learning, growth, and service to our neighbors through the Community Center. These include Parenting Classes, Pastoral Counseling, and Faith and Finances—all thanks to the support of our members and friends of the ministry. If you’d like to help support the mission and ministry of this community effort, donate here. Thank you for your investment in your community!
Check Out Our community center