Mission: For Holy Cross, the mission of the Church is the Great Comission of Jesus from Matthew 28. There, he commands his followers to go and make disciples of all nations through the gifts of Baptism and the Word, with the promise that he will be with them in this effort. We believe we’ve captured the essence of Jesus’ instructions when we say that for us specifically at Holy Cross, our mission is: “Loved by Jesus and growing in faith, we serve our neighbor.”
Vision: For Holy Cross, we believe the vision (or preferred future) of the church was given to believers in the Great Commandment from Matthew 22 where Jesus, recalling the teaching of the Scriptures, reminds us that as his followers we are seeking after the reality of loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. This is what we hope becomes a reality among us, this is what we are laboring towards.
Core Attitudes:
- We recognize our own messy, broken relationship before God and dependence on Christ to reconcile us into a right relationship with him.
- We meet people where they are in a messy, broken world and walk with them towards peace in their relationship with God and others.
- We are committed to showing Christ’s love by serving our community in Northwest Dallas and, as we are able, serving those beyond.
- We embrace that for God’s will to be best known and followed, we must be willing to put aside our own will and desires.
- We equip, train and release individuals to live out their mission; offering their lives and resources in service to God in their contexts.
- We continually celebrate what God is doing in, through, and around us and pledge to make this known to one another so that we remain encouraged in the face of discouragement and opposition.