It’s camp season at Holy Cross, and it’s one of my favorite times of the year at our church. Yes, there is always a certain amount of sound and movement and super high energy at 9 am (coffee, please!), but it is one of the best, fullest times of year for our relationships with our neighborhood.

With Pentecost still fresh on our minds, it is awesome and maybe even a little tearful to see the many (many!) different groups celebrating the summer vacation with camps, daycare, and preschool full of friends, activities, and experiencing the love of Jesus. Each of the groups has their own leadership and activities planned, and with that they carry their own procedures and language for what is happening.

If such a large number of people are gathered together in one place with their own agendas and program-language, it would be easy to assume that there is at least a little bit of chaos. It seems though, that there is a tiny Pentecost experience happening in our building. Due in part to an amazing amount of scheduling and coordinating from Angie, our Director of Community Care, the Lord connecting us to and guiding us in relationship with other great organizations and volunteers, as well as our incredibly gifted and invested group of camp leaders and donors from our own congregation, camps happen. Groups rotate about campus in a bubbly, excited bustle, hearing the truths of Jesus in their own groups’ program language.

Please continue to pray with us for all the families, students, volunteers, and leaders as we close out VBS 2019 today and start right up with soccer camp on Monday morning. May we all continue to build the relationships with our neighborhood in what is happening around us, and may we continue to hear the truths of Jesus in our heart’s language through the diversity and cooperation in our community of which we get to be part.

Holy Week Services at Holy Cross Lutheran Church