The Friday night before the annual garage sale is a night I both look forward to and dread all year long. I dread it because it can be very exhausting to sort and categorize all of the wonderful donations we receive. It makes for the beginning of a very long two days. However, the joys of this weekend far outweigh the exhaustion that comes with it. You see, the teens sort through the items and categorize them and it is quite amusing for the adults to watch them wonder about certain items that they have no concept of, like a TV with rabbit ears or old school curling irons. My favorite part of the sorting however is when they begin to sort clothing. More often then not it becomes a bit of a fashion show, as they find interesting unique items. It brings new life to clothes that have memories for those who donated them and then makes memories for the teens. Some of those include trying on heels, to robes, to hats and so much more. Before I know it, they’re wearing more clothes than they have sorted. It always makes me laugh and reminds me why Jesus told his disciples to have faith like a child.

In these moments, they have no fear or insecurities, no reservations or responsibilities, just joy and excitement. What will we find in the next bag? Who will look the best in this eccentric hat or will this shirt fit all of us? Pure wonder and fun. I imagine that’s what the children who ran to Jesus were feeling. The best part? They ran to him when they were happy, not distraught. They ran into the arms of grace, not because they were desperate but because they were too excited to stay away. How amazing is it that Jesus tells us to imitate this relationship? He is telling us to rest in his grace in sorrow AND joy, in fear AND certainty, in distress AND calm; in all circumstances run to Him. My prayer for all of us is to live a life like the little children, to be so excited to meet Jesus that nothing will keep us away; just like no amount of direction can keep our teens from trying on garage sale items. AMEN!

Holy Week Services at Holy Cross Lutheran Church