Text: Philippians 2:12-18

Series: Renovate

Preacher: Pastor Tom Zucconi

Description: We all know that buildings, including our homes, require continual care and sometimes complete renovations,, but have you ever thought of your life of faith as being “worked on” or “renovated”? In his letter to the Philippian Christians, the apostle Paul uses this idea of construction (or repair) upon the people of God. That we are, in a right way, a project, attended to by the Master Craftsman who in continuously caring for His creation, using the power of the Gospel to heal and reshape us into the people He is calling us to be. It’s what Paul calls in Philippians 1:6 “a good work” in us. Today, we continue our series on this “good work,” discovering what the Lord is up too in our lives. Welcome to all who join us for worship!

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Holy Week Services at Holy Cross Lutheran Church