This week’s post is a guest post by Antonia Alzate. Antonia teaches Faith & Finances, a financial literacy program taught in Spanish and geared towards families striving to climb out of poverty. The latest Faith & Finances class graduated this past week and Antonia plans to begin the next class in September. This is the story of one of her students…
Alfa learned about the new start date of the Fe y Finanzas training and decided to retake the course and invite some friends. She and her husband took the training two years ago due to an economic crisis they were experiencing. As a result of what she learned in the class, Alfa decided to take the initiative to bake cookies and cakes for sale and increase her income.
Alfa also took a course on food handling and an organization helped her print her first business cards and labels for the packaging. Her small business has contributed to the economic stability of her family and little by little her clientele has increased. She also learned how to start building credit in this country and she has now saved $300 and applied for their first card. She has handled her secured credit card very well so the bank offered her a new credit card 2 months ago.
Due to the goodness of God and the diligence that Alfa and her husband have shown putting into practice what they learned during their training, they have managed to leave the small apartment they rented and now rent a house with more space for their family and their small business. After the graduation of the last financial education course Alfa’s husband told me: “My friends were delighted with the course and they want you to invite them back to other trainings.” Thanks be to God!